Back to back Pyroblasts could easily pop out 20k+ dmg in a matter of seconds. While as with fire, depending on your crit/luck, this can be more useful. Why? Because frankly, you want your Arcane Blast to be stacked 1-3 times at least for Missile Barrage proc to be useful, and there’s a Very high chance this will proc anyway. Rotation wise, this is mostly a Fire based proc. The 4 set bonus for the t8:You have a chance for the effect of your Missile Barrage, Hot Streak, or Brain Freeze talent not to be consumed when you cast the spells which benefit. The 4 set bonus for t7:Your offensive spells gain an additional 5% increased critical strike bonus damage. However, I suppose it’s not a complete deal breaker. While the spellpower on both is excellent for arcane, the +40% Intellect from our Mana Gem is a pretty large boost, seeing as how mana is sometimes in short supply for arcane mages, this set bonus is very nice. The 2 set bonus for the t8 set: Your Arcane Blast, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, and Fireball spells have a chance to grant you 350 spell power for 15 sec. In addition, using a mana gem grants you 225 spell power for 15 sec. The 2 set bonus for the t7 set: You gain 40% more mana when you use a mana gem. Let me explain whyĪs a simple reference point, let’s view the Mage T8 Chest,and the Mage T7 chest the Conquerors Kirin Tor Tunic and the Valorous Frostfire Robe The spec performed very well in Naxx, EoE, OS, and the like, and I enjoyed playing it, but sadly, the itemization (stats on the new Gear) and the t8 set bonuses aren’t really what I would call “good for arcane”. I know many, myself included have raided the first Part of the Wrath Expansion as Arcane.

Why Fire is now seen as the Primary Raiding Spec Elemental Shamans, and Moonkins are both great for your DPS, as well as a fellow mage with Focus Magic (More on this later). I also advise you to look at your raiding roster, and see the kind of Group Make-up you have, and ask your fellow raiders about their talents as you begin adjusting your gear for fire. Unlike some classes, such as Paladins, Priests, and Druids, we are a class with 1 main purpose…blowing things up, we are considered a “Pure DPS Class”, and it is my belief that if played correctly, we should be able to out dps any hybrid.īut as I stated before, Mages have several other useful things to contribute. With some good attention paid to the way you “Gear Yourself”, as well as a lot of attention paid to your Rotation, and learning your Class, you won’t be disappointed choosing a Mage. I have observed (and myself) seen mages go to the bottom of the charts simply due to a lacking rotation, and top the charts over virtually every other class. We also carry several abilities that prove beneficial to Raids, such as our Arcane Brilliance spell, and the ability to perform a Ritual of Refreshment I have come to observe that mages are an excellent dps class, with quite a few options to adapt to ones play style. Mages are not only good for damage output, but also for kiting, and applying Crowd Control to mobs. We have a variety of abilities spread out over 3 trees, each with it’s own purpose. The Mage Class is basically considered a “Glass Cannon”, meaning your pretty squishy, but can pump out not only massive “DPS” (Damage Per Second), but also a large total of Damage Done (which in my mind, is more important). Starter Gear (This area is currently in progress, to be added within the next few weeks)įirst things first-General Notes and Observations about the Mage Class.Building Your Gear and Stats (Including Gems and Enchants).Why Fire is now seen as the Primary Raiding Spec.General notes about the Mage Class, and my Observations.This Guide will contain the following content. I am also adapting to the coding system as well, as I have little experience using any sort of Coding. Please note that this is a work in progress and revisions shall be made as I come across new details, as well as making discoveries through my own Raiding Experiences. Welcome! This Guide is intended for Mages who are interesting in raiding in Fire Spec, and covers a variety of topics fairly in-depth, please comment with any changes you believe should be made, your own comments and suggestions are always appreciated!